Integrative Functional Medicine

Health and Wellness Counseling Sessions: (Available in the office and by phone)

  • Address a specific issue
  • Review diagnostic and laboratory reports
  • Reevaluate your treatment and wellness plan
  • Discuss a new concern
  • Receive guidance in making complex health care decisions.

You may schedule 30 and 60 minute counseling sessions with Dr. Chilkov as needed. Dr. Chilkov has a deep commitment to thoroughly assessing her patients’ needs and to thoroughly educating them. It is recommended to schedule at least one Health and Wellness session each year to reevaluate your treatment plan and make any necessary changes and adjustments or to discuss a new concern.

  • Counseling sessions may be used to review:
  • Diagnostic studies of blood, urine and hair analysis
  • Functional medicine tests
  • Medical records and recommendations from another physician or health care provider
  • To learn about implementing diet and lifestyle changes
  • To learn stress management, visualization or mediation techniques
  • To discuss any topic concerning the patient

About Integrative Functional Medicine

WHAT IS Natural, Integrative, Functional Medicine? Functional Medicine (also referred to as Complementary or Integrative Medicine) is a science-based healthcare approach that assesses and treats underlying causes of illness through individually tailored therapies to restore health and improve function.

Dr. Chilkov has trained at the prestigious Institute for Functional Medicine.


Work with the Healing Power of Nature… Trust the body’s inherent ability to heal itself when the obstacles to cure are removed.

Identify and Treat the Cause… Address the underlying causes of illness rather than just treating symptoms.

First Do No Harm… Use the most natural, least toxic, and least invasive therapies first.

Doctor as Teacher… Educate people in the art of self-care and the steps to achieving optimal health.

Treat the Whole Person… Address the physical condition but also the spectrum of factors that influence our health.

Prevention… Encourage health promotion and disease prevention.


Functional medicine is personalized medicine that deals with primary prevention and underlying causes for serious chronic disease. It is a science-based field of health care that is grounded in the following principles:

Biochemical individuality describes the importance of individual variations in metabolic function that derive from genetic and environmental differences among individuals. Each patient is unique and must be treated as an individual.

Patient-centered medicine emphasizes personal “patient care” rather than “disease care.”

Dynamic balance of internal and external factors leads to balance.

Web-like interconnections of body mind and emotions—an abundance of research now supports the view that the human body functions as an orchestrated network of interconnected systems.

Health as a positive vitality—not merely the absence of disease.

Preservation, Restoration and Rejuvenation of function as the means to enhance longevity and healthy life span.