Labratory Services: Instructions for Patients

Instructions for Patients

Filling out your Forms
COMPLETELY FILL OUT THE PATIENT SECTION OF YOUR LABORATORY REQUISITION SLIP. Be sure to include the date of collection, your insurance and credit card information.

We have negotiated discounted fees for some tests with some specialty laboratories. In order to receive these discounts, you must include your credit card information and prepayment.

Insurance Coverage
Provide your insurance information. If your tests are eligible for insurance coverage, the laboratory will bill your insurance company.

Fasting for your Tests
If your tests require fasting, this will be indicated on your laboratory requisition slip or within the directions included in your lab kit.

If your tests require fasting please refrain from food and beverage, vitamins and herbal medicines FOR 12 HOURS before your blood is drawn.

Do drink plenty of water.

Most patients find it easiest skip breakfast and have their blood drawn in the morning, after which you may take your supplements and food.

Click on the links below for more detailed information:

Lab Instructions for Patients
Getting Blood Drawn
Shipping your Test Kit
Online Access to your Test results