The HEALING CANCER Support System
If you have cancer you go to Dr. Nalini Chilkov period.
I refer everyone to her. I am always sad when someone doesn’t go.
JJ Virgin, Celebrity Nutritionist, New York Times Best Selling Author
The HEALING CANCER Support System | Create A Body Where Cancer Cannot Thrive
Evidence Based Individualized Integrative Cancer Support Plan
Support During Treatment and Recovery | Support to Maintain Health and Quality of Life
(in coordination with your care providers)
Phone and Skype Consultations Available
Free Resources Available on Dr. Chilkov’s Integrative Cancer Answers Live Well Blog
Finally, someone who is looking at the whole and long term picture; not just deploying nuclear bombs in my body and waiting to see the results. Now I feel like I can be pro-active in my battle and not just a vessel for harmful but necessary chemicals. … Her encouragement to use this illness to create life changing habits was empowering and the comfort of knowing that she be in my corner for a long time to come is a huge emotional boost. I cannot thank you enough for your all knowing kindness. With extreme gratitude for giving a life changing gift. I am not sure where to begin to thank you. My meeting with Dr. Chilkov was the most needed of medicines. J.C., Advanced Ovarian Cancer
Integrative and Collaborative Cancer Support Overview
Get Well. Stay Well. Live Well Beyond Cancer
The Cancer Journey: Exploring the Territory
Detailed History of Person, Lifestyle, Risk Factors
Detailed Cancer History
Assessing the Unique Individual
Assessing the Inner Terrain and the Environment of the Cells
Understanding the Unique Characteristics of the Tumor Cells
Health and Nutritional Analysis
Comprehensive Review and Analysis of specialized testing and prior diagnostic studies
Chinese Medicine Evaluation | The Constitution and the Illness
III. PART THREE: in Coordination with Your Care Providers and Team
1. Therapeutic Healing Phase One:
Core Health Foundations | Anti Cancer Lifestyle, Diet and Nutrients
Core Foundation Nutritional and Herbal Supplement Support
Therapeutic & Healing Anti Cancer Diet and Lifestyle Recommendations
Supportive Acupuncture and Fu Zheng Chinese Herbal Therapy
2. Therapeutic Healing Phase Two:
The Unique Individual Patient | The Inner Terrain | Individualized Custom Plan:
Balance and Nourish the Person
Balance and Harmonize the Internal Terrain
Modulate the Environment of the Cells
Add Specific Nutritional and Herbal and Dietary Recommendations
Add Specific Acupuncture | Chinese Herbal Tonics and Elixirs
3. Therapeutic Healing Phase Three:
The Unique Characteristics of the Cancer Cells and Therapeutic Agents| Targeted Therapies
Add Specific Targeted Nutraceutical and Herbal Supplements and Foods
Enhance and Support Conventional Cancer Therapies
Manage Side Effects | Maintain Quality of LIfe
Specific Acupuncture | Chinese Herbal Tonics and Elixirs
4. Therapeutic Healing Phase Four: Recovery, Restoration, Rejuvenation
Health and Longevity | Cancer Prevention | Peace of Mind | Quality of Life
Recovery from Treatment | Restored Vibrant Health | Prevention of Recurrence
Balance and Nourish the Person
Balance and Harmonize the Internal Terrain
Modulate the Environment of the Cells
Custom Individualized Nutritional and Herbal Supplements
Custom Dietary and Lifestyle Guidelines
Custom Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Tonics and Elixirs
Long Term Monitoring, Testing and Management
The Individualized HEALING CANCER Integrative Cancer Support Plan is customized to each unique individual
depending upon the stage at which the person enters the process and the individual choices of each person.
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visit Dr. Chilkov’s blog on Integrative Cancer Care