Every Cancer Patient Deserves a Plan for their HEALTH...

not just a plan for their disease.

Receive Personalized Telemedicine Guidance
and Whole Life Health Support for Every Stage of the Cancer Journey and Beyond

Become A Patient

Cancer is not an emergency

Cancer is not in Control. YOU ARE!

Cancer is a chronic illness that requires thoughtful long-term monitoring and management.

At the finish line are durable stable health and wholeness, quality of life, and peace of mind. Cancer is a team sport and requires a circle of support.

Cancer is not a journey to traverse alone.

Cancer has the potential to be a transformative and healing process.

Cancer is not a Sprint, it is a Marathon.

Create A Body Where Cancer Cannot Thrive

Get A Personalized OutSmart Cancer Plan

A personalized OutSmart Cancer® Plan is designed to meet your unique needs and provide support for your health and well-being at every stage of your cancer journey.

You will learn to Create A Body Where Cancer Cannot Thrive so that you can feel confident and at peace as you Get Well, Stay Well and Live Well Beyond Cancer!

Learn More


Ritamarie L
Angelique P
Adam R
Kristin N
Shelena L
Danielle T
Robyn B
Stacy S
Sherry P
Hilary F W
June Functional Forum
Ritamarie L
Angelique P
Adam R
Kristin N
Shelena L
Danielle T
Robyn B
Stacy S
Sherry P
Hilary F W
Dr. Nalini ChilkovOSC Circle

About Dr. Nalini Chilkov

OutSmart Cancer® is the fruit of Dr. Nalini Chilkov’s thirty years of experience transforming the cancer journey for thousands of patients worldwide.

Her OutSmart Cancer® Plans are recognized as the most comprehensive, safe and effective doctor-designed programs available today.

Learn More
OutSmart Cancer System

My OutSmart Cancer® System is designed to give you the tools and knowledge to defy the odds and the statistics by creating a body that is not hospitable to the development or spread of cancer.

I created the Outsmart Cancer® System so that you have the resources and guidance to Get Well, Stay Well, and Live Well Beyond Cancer.

My Outsmart Cancer® System is the most comprehensive, safe, and research-based approach for cancer patients, survivors, and individuals who are proactive about their health.

As a patient of the Chilkov Clinic you receive your own individualized, personalized OutSmart Cancer® Plan as well as ongoing monitoring and long term team support.


The beauty of working with Dr. Nalini is that everything is rooted in scientific research combined with her years of passion and experience. What’s more Dr. Nalini isn’t afraid of cancer. She kicks its ass!
- S.M.
Breast Cancer Patient
The conversation we had may have changed my life more than any other. It was a wake up call, a call to action. I cannot express how grateful I am.
- D.C.
Dr. Chilkov is the very best kind of physician, marrying leading edge science with ancient healing. I came to Dr Chilkov with advanced late stage cancer. I was told that my cancer was untreatable and inoperable. While under her care my tumors shrank.
- S.M.
Advanced Stage Cancer Survivor and Thriver
Last year I almost died of advanced cancer. Nobody should have to go through what I experienced. Dr. Nalini Chilkov is my secret weapon for perfect health – she’s practical, pragmatic and brilliant.
- Mike Koenigs
Advanced Colorectal Cancer, Best Selling Author and Speaker
Dr. Chilkov fills in the gaps left by western medicine with the health end of the equation.
- S.F.
If you do not have cancer and want to keep it that way, this book is full of the guidance that you need. Dr. Nalini is amazing. Full of wisdom gathered from her years of doing this.
- M.K.
My team included Dr. Nalini Chilkov. Without her guidance and expertise, I don’t think I could have gotten through the a major abdominal surgery and chemotherapy. She also put together a plan to keep me healthy post treatment. I am forever grateful.
- D.W.
Ovarian Cancer Patient
I am not sure where to begin to thank you. My meeting with Dr. Chilkov was the most needed of medicines. Finally, someone who is looking at the whole and long term picture; not just deploying nuclear bombs in my body and waiting to see the results.
- J.C.
Ovarian Cancer Patient
Her encouragement to use this illness to create life changing habits was empowering and the comfort of knowing that she will be in my corner for a long time to come is a huge emotional boost.
- K.M.
Lotus Flower
GET DR. CHILKOV’S FREE GUIDE: Recommended Supplements & Herbs for Every Stage of the Cancer Journey so that you can Create A Body Where Cancer Cannot Thrive.